Friday, December 4, 2009

What Wine Should You Drink?

One of the hottest issues today is the ratings system in the wine industry and whether you should believe them. Well… here are my two cents. Any rating that is the result of a single person tasting a given wine should be taken with some skepticism. Why? Because wine is like music. What one person enjoys may not be what someone else wants to drink or listen to. Unfortunately, the wine industry has been very good at marketing wine as an elite drink that is very complicated for the average person. NONSENSE! Wine is and has been for centuries the common person’s drink of choice next to water. Only in the last few decades, through some heavy marketing, has wine been elevated as a drink that only the few can truly appreciate. My family and thousands of others have been drinking wine way before Mr. Robert Parker was even a hint on his “parent’s night of excitement.”

Wine is a drink that should be enjoyed it every day and all the different wines that we and others make are simple providing options so everyone can find at least one style that may enjoy. People ask me all the time which wine should I drink? My answer is always the same: the one you like! I have tasted bottles that cost over $200 that I didn’t like and therefore it didn’t make a different what others thought about it. I just didn’t like it and wouldn’t want to drink it again. Yet, I have enjoyed some wines that the “critics” have not talked very high of but I enjoyed them with the right food. Are their palates better than mine? Maybe but who cares. I am the one paying for the bottle and therefore I will drink what I like. I may taste a wine because I read about it in some magazine but I will not buy it just because they said it was good. I know what I like and I know which style of wine I enjoy with my food. In addition to that I have favorite wineries whose style of wine making is perfect for me. Many of these never get accolades from Mr. Parker and others but I don’t care and neither should you. Drink what you enjoy and if this is Two Buck-Chuck then go ahead and drink it. Just make sure that you have a good family doctor!

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